Adults Judo Class FAQ
Updated July 2024. Q: Does Budokan teach adults? A: Budokan has an adults judo class. We call it “seniors” class, to distinguish from the “juniors” class (by which we mean children). The adults class practices 8pm-9:30pm Tuesdays and Thursdays, and Wednesday 7:30pm-9pm. Q: I’ve done judo, and/or I’m an experienced Judo player, how do I join class? A: Go to the Getting Started page on our website and load your judo card, purchase a membership, then come to practice. Don’t overthink it, just come to practice. Q: What’s a judo card? A: Judo card is membership in USJF or USA Judo. We need your judo card for insurance and liability purposes. Find more at or Q: Can I do judo in the adults class if I’ve done BJJ/Wrestling. A: Maybe. Judo is a physically demanding sport with a somewhat high learning curve. We tend to see wrestlers and BJJ players pick it up pretty quickly though. Q: Can I do judo in the adults class if I have no experience? A: Maybe. Judo is a physically demanding sport with a somewhat high learning curve. We will work with you to develop a plan that makes sense for YOU. Typically that will involve special ukemi (breakfall) instruction to teach you to fall and throw safely. Q: Can I just show up and train? A: We prefer you don’t. Come by and watch a class first. You can contact us on the contact page, or just come down. (We don’t bite.) Q: What’s your culture like? Are you guys weird? Is there a secret handshake etc? A: Our Budokan adults class strives to be friendly and welcoming, emphasizing a cordial, inclusive, team-focused culture. We understand that judo is challenging enough on its own, and welcome individuals of all backgrounds and skill levels. Q: What about BJJ? Wrestling? Why don’t you guys allow leg attacks etc? A: Judo was brought to Seattle by Japanese immigrants, including the family that helped start Budokan 50 years ago, and is still active in running the club. Budokan teaches a traditional Japanese judo, following the rules and procedures set by the various international groups responsible for Judo. That said, many of our instructors and students are very active in BJJ, wrestling, MMA, and other combat sports, and we maintain friendly ties to those communities. We also have a large contingent of military veterans among our adults students, consistent with Judo’s long popularity in the armed forces, and many of these folks have cross-trained in other styles, BJJ, boxing, etc. Q: 8PM is kind of late! A: We agree! But our instructors have day jobs, and the juniors classes are held earlier in the evenings, so 7:30 PM is the best we can do for now. We find that a full coffee pot helps the next morning! If 8pm really won’t work with your schedule, reach out to us and we’ll see if we can’t suggest an alternate judo dojo with more scheduling flexibility.
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